What to do, What to do!

av-admin Blog - Just Saying

Have you ever had someone or some situation that has occupied much of your personal head space and you’ve said to yourself, What to do? What to do?

I guess we’ve all had situations or personal encounters with those that either leave us scratching our heads with craziness or leave us wandering how can I help in this particular area. I ask myself sometimes, why would I spend this amount of time trying to find a solution to something that’s not my worry or my situation. How come I have decided that I need to take it on?

Well, I actually know the answer. When you walk along the path that I am on of a Light Worker, you draw to you those who need guidance, reassurance and/or just an empathetic and compassionate listening or speaking point of view. I have found of late that while I love helping others and do offer guidance to a wide array of people, I also have to help myself. By that I mean, if I am to be of any help to someone who needs me, I need to clear myself regularly, ground myself daily, and keep a well balanced eating, sleeping, and exercising routine.

I ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords from me of those whom I help, so that I am not continually held down by their worries. I need to be free of others worries so that I can deal with my own. lol

I try to make a practice of meditating daily for 30 minutes, to help ground myself and to enjoy the quiet time that my sometimes overly busy mind seems to need. I feel refreshed and clear headed when I am finished my meditation, however, occasionally due to outside circumstances, I am not always able to fit it into my schedule, and then I really feel out of sorts with myself. That again serves as a reminder to me to always take the time needed to sit quietly for a few minutes and enjoy this little piece of calmness for my own peace of mind.

What to do, What to Do. Well, I know that when I travel along the months of 2019 helping others, I will endeavor to be mindful of my own body, my own mind, and of my own needs, and make it a priority to take good care of myself this year.

Something we should all be doing, just saying…..