
"Moonlighting is dedicated to those who always knew they were different and dared to live their truth." - Arlene Vance

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What is Mediumship?

A Medium is a person who is capable of tuning into vibrations from a spiritual dimension and who acts as a conduit of communication to receive information and messages. Mediums use their psychic abilities to converse with spirit and then pass this information on to the sitter. Most Mediums also have psychic abilities. Mediums have their own unique way of delivering messages through their gifts of communication. Spirit Guides decide how best to communicate with the Medium so that the messages are clearly understood.

About Mediumship

Mediumship is an extraordinary gift that should be continuously developed and shared. Having developed their unique sense of psychic abilities, most Mediums are sensitive, emotional, and share kindness and gratitude for serving spirit. Serving those who have crossed over to the other side, mediumship encompasses the purpose of life and life after death. Along with counselling, it can help to ease the pain of grief as well as providing comfort around the fear of death. Providing proof of survival after death and the understanding of the purpose of life brings comfort to those in need.


Psychic Abilities

What is a Psychic?

A Psychic is a person who can tune in to an unseen world of sensations and ideas using a "sixth sense". Some people are born with this psychic switch fully activated and even as children were connected. Other people work hard to activate their psychic ability, like working and learning an instrument. A Psychic should always clear and ground themselves, asking for Divine protection prior to entering into a session.

Do you have Abilities?

  • Have you ever had a premonition that worked out exactly as you'd predicted?
  • When you were a child, did you have companions that only you could see?
  • Have any of your dreams ever come true?
  • Have you ever thought about someone and then immediately received a phone call from them?
  • Do you believe in the power of the mind over the body?

Moonlighting offers:

Private Sessions:

Psychic/Mediumship reading

Family Group Sessions:

This session is for several family members to contact a loved one in spirit.

Skype Readings

Moonlighting serves the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) for face-to-face sessions, but if you are not local, we will gladly connect with you via Skype.


Moonlighting also does events, trade shows and speaking engagements.

House Clearing:

This session is for the removal/clearing of unwanted energies within the home.

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