

What is a Medium?

A Medium is a person who is capable of tuning into vibrations from a spiritual dimension and who acts as a conduit of communication to receive information and messages. Mediums use their psychic abilities to converse with spirit and then pass this information on to the sitter. Most Mediums also have psychic abilities. Mediums have their own unique way of delivering messages through their gifts of communication. Spirit Guides decide how best to communicate with the Medium so that the messages are clearly understood.

About Mediumship

Mediumship is an extraordinary gift that should be continuously developed and shared. Having developed their unique sense of psychic abilities, most Mediums are sensitive, emotional, and share kindness and gratitude for serving spirit. Serving those who have crossed over to the other side, mediumship encompasses the purpose of life and life after death. Along with counselling, it can help to ease the pain of grief as well as providing comfort around the fear of death. Providing proof of survival after death and the understanding of the purpose of life brings comfort to those in need.

Forms of Mediumship

There are two forms of mediumship - Mental and Physical.

Mental Mediumship is divided into 4 categories:

  • Clairvoyance (clear seeing) - The ability to see spirit forms. These forms appear either as a materialization or in the mind's eye.
  • Clairaudience (clear hearing) - The ability to hear spirit voices and noises, either inside your head or as external sounds.
  • Clairsentience (clear sensing) - The ability to tune into the atmosphere in a room or experience other people's emotional or physical distress as though it were happening to you.
  • Claircognizance (clear knowing) - The lesser known form that has the ability to know things without being told and to receive fully formed ideas.

Spirit works through Mediums to allow them to see, hear, feel, or know messages. Many Mediums experience one or more of these forms.

Physical Mediumship involves the Medium going into a deep trance and then exuding a light, silky substance called ectoplasm from their body. At the end of the sitting the Medium's body would reabsorb the ectoplasm. The Medium could also channel the direct voice from the spirit through trumpets or other instruments or table levitations. This type of mediumship can pose a physical threat to the Medium who is in a vulnerable state during the sitting.