Card of the Month – November

av-admin Card of the Month

We have enjoyed a beautiful Fall and it looks like the nice weather will be continuing into the first week of November. Getting outside, going for walks, raking leaves, and breathing in the fresh air, are all good for the soul.

The Angel card for November is Daniel. He is the Angel of Marriage & Relationships. He is about healing past wounds relating to previous relationships, and helps us to release the negative energy we may have been holding for too long. By letting go of that which no longer serves our higher good, we will avoid repeating any old patterns or judgements in the future.

The Numerology card for November is #19 Pride. Interesting how this card ties in with the Angel card Daniel. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride to improve our current situation and quality of life. When we choose to see another’s point of view, we open and raise our vibrations, which in turn help to create a more harmonious life and moves aside the ego that is holding us in a negative frame of mind.

The Tarot card for November is X- Wheel of Fortune. This is a lovely card with a lot of energy where anything can happen. While we will always have twists and turns along our pathway, the Wheel of Fortune encourages us to go with the flow of those twists and turns and not be so rigid in our thinking or doing. When we are set on a specific outcome, with only a straight forward path to follow, we can miss the opportunities that jump in front of us, encouraging us to be more open and receptive, in order to reach our goals.

Be grateful for any changes coming your way this November month. Welcome a new found willingness to move positively with the energy surrounding you, and be open enough to breathe in that energy.