Card of the Month – April

av-admin Card of the Month

April is here and I think I speak for most when I say, “thank heavens”. It seems like we’ve been waiting for so long to be finished with Winter, so we can enjoy some Spring weather.

From an Angel card perspective – Francesca is the Angel that is with us this month. She asks us to visualize “What do we desire right now”. Perhaps you want to know what path to choose or perhaps you are hesitant about making a decision on that path for fear it’s the wrong one. Francesca asks us to visualize our preferred outcome and then take some time to decide what steps need to be done in order to achieve it. Be creative and think outside the box, maybe doing a pros and cons list. Remember, not deciding is like asking you to stand still where things will remain the same, so let’s get going!!

From a Numerology perspective – the nbr 93 – Happy Ending shows up. Wow, a nice confirmation that what we are looking for is right around the corner. That favourable outcome awaits us providing we stay in a positive frame of mind. Like Angel Francesca, focus on the preferred outcome versus your fears. Be grateful for what’s about to come and remain hopeful at all times, as things only get better from here.

From a Tarot perspective – the Major Arcana card for April is VI The Lovers. This card can be about romance for sure, but it is more this month about the choices we make instead. How do we marry the head with the heart when making decisions or choices that are in front of us? Putting some logic into your thought process is important, so you are not totally guided by emotions when trying to make a decision. Not all emotional choices are good for us, so use a healthy dose of both logic & emotion when important business is at hand.

Let’s all focus on the hope that April can bring to us. Let’s put the winter behind us where it belongs, and look ahead to Spring, for the well needed rejuvination it will bring. I am ready, are you?