Card of the Month – March

av-admin Card of the Month

Welcome to March, the month of hope. Hope for warmer weather, hope for longer days, hope for a new start to a project or job. We seem to feel a sense of delight when the coldness of January and February are behind us, so feel good this March and look forward.

From an Angel card perspective, the Angel that is with us this month is Azure. She tells us that our desired outcome will occur in the very near future. Have you ever wanted a situation or event to happen so badly that you tried to move it along yourself and dismiss the natural signs of progression? Azure assures us that patience and faith are what is needed to achieve our desired outcome vs forcing it to happen. It is important to release our worries about the outcome and surrender it to the Divine natural timing of things. That way we will receive the benefits along the process.

From a Numerology card perspective, the Number for March is 1 – New Beginnings.  This card gives us the opportunity to create a fresh start. Opportunities like this don’t come around on a regular basis, so it’s important to cease them when they do. It is necessary to find our inner strength and courage as we step into and create a new way of life or a new way of doing things. Notice the signs around you and the people that come into your life just when you need them, and, with optimism move forward.

From a Tarot card perspective, the Major Arcana card that shows up for March is Temperance XIV. She represents moderation, patience and compromise in order to find the solutions and balanced emotions that are needed to successfully integrate any opposing forces that surround us. She is a lovely gentle card that brings about healing to those who need it. She helps us by bringing in a nurturing, calm environment and shows us that with a little effort balance can be achieved.

Spring will be in the air on some days in March, so let’s enjoy the well needed sunshine and continue with the optimism for more good months of warm weather to come.