
av-admin Blog - Just Saying

This weekend is Thanksgiving weekend in Canada.  It is a lovely time of year, where the leaves are starting to turn colour, there is a crispness in the air, we are digging up our summer plants and putting away our lawn furniture, and, we are getting ready to settle in to winter. Yikes!!

Not every country celebrates Thanksgiving, so it should be a special celebration for us. Yesterday our family, which encompassed family from both sides and wonderful family friends, all got together to celebrate with Thanksgiving dinner.  Now traditionally growing up, we celebrated on Sunday, today, as that was the family dinner day. We would have gone to church while the turkey was in the oven cooking and we would have returned to set the table, cutup the turnip and potatoes, wash the brussel sprouts and any other veggies on the menu.

It would have been most unusual for us to celebrate on any other day. Today, we celebrate around work schedules, other family priorities and convenience of time to get together.  Thinking about that, it doesn’t really matter what day you celebrate on, as long as you are giving thanks for the time shared, the wonderful food prepared, the gratitude of spending time together with loved ones, and, of course, being thankful to God for it all.

For me, I am truly blessed with so many things in my life; my family, my friends, my Paolo (dog), my health.  Everyday brings something new and joyful into my life and I am grateful to be here to see it and share it with whomever wants to come along for the ride.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving on whatever day you choose to celebrate it.

Many blessings to you all!!

Just saying……..