New Beginnings

av-admin Blog - Just Saying

Over the past few months, I have been on a hiatus, learning a different spiritual way to live everyday and be true to my authentic self. I am talking about the Tao Te Ching, which is an ancient book written long ago by Lao-tzu and has been translated many, many times over the years. I chose an updated 21st century interpretation by Dr. Wayne Dyer called Change Your Thoughts – Change Your Life, Living the Wisdom of the Tao. Put into a present day time frame, there are 83 lessons to be done daily and while I am not quite finished reading them all, I have taken to heart those I have read.

Now this book isn’t about any spiritual babble that people will say, “Oh No!, not another person trying to preach about their spiritual journey, cause most of us know how that ends. This book is for me as a Lightworker, and it was a long time coming. I needed a different way of looking at situations in my life (past and present). Now with the past, I obviously could not change the circumstances there, as they have brought me to where I am today. I could however, let them go gratefully, with the understanding that we all have lessons to learn and that they are necessary in life in order to give love with forgiveness and compassion.

I feel that for a part of my life, I had been in a “reactive” state, trying to keep my head above water, trying not to drown in the emotions of loss, grief, and family traumas, and trying to see hope, where I felt none. In reality though, that “reactive” state served to be a defining moment for me, where I could no longer stand still and I needed to break out and be my true authentic self.

For the present, I now choose to navigate with clarity through those life situations that we all have, and to decide respectfully, how to handle and react to those situations.  This book has shown me a kinder, gentler, more loving aspect of myself, where I have found peace and harmony within. It has allowed me and others to just be, and in turn has freed up so much of my previous worries. Now let’s not assume that I don’t care about the choices or decisions of those I love. I do. Rather, let’s assume now though, that I feel in my heart that life takes us where we need to be, and standing and watching it all unfold without interfering or trying to control it, is very liberating. Providing love and support to all versus judgment and unkindness has opened my heart even wider.

I continue reading everyday the words of the Tao through Wayne Dyer, and I am hopeful I will continue learning and incorporating these lessons into my life for years to come. For the peace and harmony I now feel, has taken up the space of yearning that once was there.

Just saying……