Card of the Month – February

av-admin Card of the Month

February is the month of Love. Love of yourself, romantic love, platonic love, love of life, etc., whatever you choose to Love. When we accept and love the life that has been given to us, we create a positive atmosphere for those connected to and surrounding us. Let’s enjoy the positive Love energy of February.

From an Angel card perspective, the Angel Isabella is with us. She is the Angel of Timing, and she advises that everything we hoped would happen will happen. All the pieces have fallen into place this month to start a new venture or begin a new project that you are excited about. Be mindful and patient as it’s now time for you to reap the rewards of your hard work.

From a Numerology card perspective – Nbr 32 Music is with us this month. Listening to our favourite tunes has a way of improving our health, our mindset and overall quality of life. Music fills our heart with joy and raises our vibration, making it easier to connect with the Divine source. Take a few minutes to listen to your favourite music and align yourself with a calm, stress free energy.

From a Tarot card perspective – the 3 of Wands shows up for February. This indicates that we are progressing towards our goals. We still need to continue to plan in order to keep our projects moving forward and in the right direction, but, we are seeing great signs of success so far.

Whatever your plans are for February, keep Love in your everyday activities and breathe in the joyfullness and release the negativity that has surrounded us for so long. Happy Valentine’s Day to you all.